found: Derocher, A.E. Bear deterrent study (twelve gauge Ferret shell tests) ... 1986:p. 3 (12 gauge Ferret shells (plastic slugs); 12 gauge plastic slugs; easier to use than 38 mm rubber bullets; can be fired with a 12 gauge shotgun)
found: Amer. Herit. dict. of the Eng. lang., via WWW, Nov. 29, 2000(bullet 1a. A usually metal projectile in the shape of a pointed cylinder or a ball that is expelled from a firearm, especially a rifle or handgun. b. Such a projectile in a metal casing; a cartridge. 2. An object resembling a projectile in shape, action, or effect; slugĀ¹ 1. A round bullet larger than buckshot)
found: Random House Web. unabr. dict., c1997(bullet 1. a small metal projectile, part of a cartridge, for firing from small arms; slugĀ¹ 4. a piece of lead or other metal for firing from a gun)