found: Kerner, M. The keris in the magic world-view, 1999:p. 15 (the Malaysian keris is a dagger) p. 18 (kerises)
found: Web. 3(kris or kriss also creese (Malay keris): a Malay or Indonesian dagger often with two scalloped cutting edges and ridged serpentine blade)
found: Duuren, D.v. Krisses : a critical bibliography, ©2002:pp. 7-8 (the kris; dagger of South-East Asia; national weapon of Indonesia)
found: Frey, E. The kris, 1988:p. 3 (krises; the distinctive weapon of Malaysia and Indonesia, found in a variety of forms ranging from northern Sumatra and Malaysia to far-distant Mindanao in the Philippines; elongated dagger or short sword of slender proportions with a blade of rough texture sharpened on both edges)
found: The keris and other Malay weapons, ©1998:p. 12 (the kĕris originated in Java) p. 130 (kĕris: the Malay dagger, also spelt, in English books, kris, kriss, creese, crease)