found: Work cat.: Lundstrom, K.J. The Lotuho ... 1990:Preface (Lotuho (Otuho, Lotuxo, Latuka))
found: Ethnologue:p. 313 (Lotuko (Lotuho, Lotuxo, Lotuka, Lattuka, Otuxo, Otuho, Olotorit) Sudan)
found: Ruhlen world lang.:p. 318 (Lotuxo)
found: Voegelin lang.:p. 319 (Lotuho (Lotuko, Lotuxo))
found: Ethnologue online, Aug. 31, 2011:Otuho (a langauge of Sudan [i.e., South Sudan]; South, Torit District, Eastern Equatoria Province)
found: Gurtong WWW site, Aug. 31, 2011:(Lotuko; a people of South Sudan; nationality calls itself Otuho (Otuko), but is popularly known as Lotuho (Lotuka); Otuho-speaking; live in settlements, sixteen known such villages of which Iliu, Hiyala, Lobira, etc. are the most important)