found: Work cat.: Ėdelʹman, D.I. The Dardic and Nuristani languages, 1983:p. 23 (The Maiyan (Maiya) language is spoken in the mountains along the Indus River ... The name Maiyan is used by the people who speak the language, better known as Kohistani ...)
found: Voegelin lang.:p. 165, listed under Central, or Kohistani branch of the Dardic languages (Maiya (Dialects: Cilis, Duberi, Gowro, Kanyawali))
found: Zoller, C. A grammar and dictionary of Indus Kohistani, 2005.
found: Ethnologue WWW site, May 4, 2005(Kohistani, Indus; alternate names: Kohistani, Kohiste, Khili, Maiyon, Maiyã, Shuthun)