found: Web. 3(pronghorn, also pronghorn antelope or pronghorned antelope)
found: Britannica Micro.(pronghorn (Antilocapra americana), North American hoofed mammal, the sole living member of the family Antilocapridae (order Artiodactyla), also known as prongbuck and as pronghorned, or American antelope)
found: Walker's mammals of the world, 1999:p. 1132 (Pronghorn, single living species, Antilocapra americana, in Genus Antilocapra of family Antilocapridae)
found: ITIS search, June 16, 2004(Antilocapra americana (Ord, 1815), synonyms: Antilocapra anteflexa, Antilope americana, common name: pronghorn)