found: Work cat.: Coleman, P.G. Ageing and reminiscence processes, c1986.
found: Web. 3.
found: Campbell psych. dict.
found: Drever dict. psych.(Recall which is passive rather than active; for the latter Recollection is the preferable term)
found: Eysenck encyc. psych.
found: Evans Psych., 1978.
found: Chaplin dict. psycho.("Recall of previous experience especially in an attitude of enjoyment of the memories in question")
found: English comp. dict. psycho. & psychoanalytical terms(Recall of previous experiences without realizing that it is a recall. -Relatively complete and unselective recall of past experience without specific purpose of guiding present behavior; -Recall or recognition of items previously not recallable; an increment in a practical act after a period of non practice.)
found: Harriman handbk. psych. terms(Reminiscence effect)
notfound: Harre & Lamb encyc. dict. psych., 1983;Psych. abs., 1978;Baker encyc. psych., 1985;Harriman Encyc. psych., 1946;Harriman new dict. psych.;Psych. alm., 1973;MESH;NIH