found: Work cat.: Horizontal-branch and UV-bright stars : the proceedings ... 1985.
found: Astron. journal, 1944-75:Index, p. 65 (horizontal branch)
found: Problems in stellar atmospheres and envelopes:p. 149-169.
found: NASA(Horizontal branch stars)
found: Macmillan dict. astron.:Under Horizontal branch.
found: Dict. astron., space atmos. phen.(Under Horizontal branch; Stars in an H-R diagram [that demonstrates correlation between spectral type and luminosity of stars], usu. of a globular cluster, representing a range in spectral types but sharing roughly zero absolute magnitude)
notfound: Web. 3;INIS: Thes.;McGraw-Hill dict. sci. tech.;Encyc. astron.;INSPEC