found: Work cat.: Jarrams, P. Sea trout run, 1987.
found: International Sea Trout Symposium (1st : 2004 : Cardiff, Wales). Sea trout, 2006:p. xi ("sea trout" is the name usually given to the adult anadromous (migratory, sea-going) form of Salmo trutta; amongst taxonomists, S. trutta is usually known as the brown trout; common usage has adopted the term "brown trout" as representing the non-migratory form)
found: Wikipedia, Sept. 24, 2007(The brown trout (Salmo trutta morpha fario and S. trutta morpha lacustris) and the sea trout (S. trutta morpha trutta) are fish of the same species. They are distinguished chiefly by the fact that the brown trout is largely a freshwater fish, while the sea trout shows anadromous reproduction, migrating to the oceans for much of its life and returning to freshwater only to spawn.)
found: Sea trout fishing : a Web guide, viewed Sept. 24, 2007:reference pages > sea trout biology (Genetically there is no anatomical difference between the sea trout and the brown trout. Both share the same Latin name Salmo trutta)
notfound: Web. 3