found: Work cat.: Fort Buford and the military frontier in the Northern States, 1850-1900, 1987.
found: Nat. reg. hist. pl.
found: NUCMC data from State Hist. Soc. N.D. for Fort Buford Post Office. Records, 1887-1892(Fort Buford, Fort Buford, N.D.)
found: Tweton, D.J. North Dakota, 1976(Fort Buford; constructed by U.S. Army, 1866, on the Missouri near the mouth of Yellowstone R.)
found: GNIS, Apr. 29, 2009(Fort Buford (historical) desc.: This feature no longer exists; history: established June 15, 1866, to protect the emigrant route from Minnesota to Montana; named for General John Buford; abandoned 1895)
found: Wikipedia, Apr. 29, 2009(Fort Buford: Fort Buford was a former United States Army base located at the confluence of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers in the state of North Dakota. It is famous for being the location where in 1881 Sitting Bull surrendered; abandoned by the Army on October 1, 1895; today the North Dakota State Historical Society runs Fort Buford as a historic site)
notfound: Lippincott;Web. geog.