found: Work cat.: 94-25482: Interactive acting, 1994(audience participatory theater)
found: NTC's dict. of theatre & drama terms, 1992(Participatory theatre: a type of play in which the audience is involved in the performance)
found: Participation theater for young audiences, 2001.
found: WWW site, Jan. 25, 2010(Participation theater; theatre for young audiences or for adults; consists of adapted or devised drama with an established story line constructed to involve limited and structured opportunities for active involvement by all or part of the audience; participation may range from simple verbal responses to an active role in the outcome of the drama; participation theater give audiences the opportunity to retell history, by playing the roles of men and women who helped write it)
found: Reframing immersive theatre : the politics and pragmatics of participatory performance, ©2016
found: The space, Aug. 4, 2014:What is immersive theatre? (In immersive theatre, the audience are not merely passive bystanders. They are part of the story, however small their role may be, and they are in the middle of the action. In an immersive theatre production, the audience in some way plays a role, whether that is the role of witness or the role of an actual character.) -