found: Work cat.: 87113369: Pierce, R. Black stilt, 1986.
found: Reed, C.E.M. Black stilt recovery plan, c1993.
found: Aotearoa/New Zealand thesaurus (draft : 1992)
found: Annotated checklist of the birds of New Zealand, 1970.
found: Web. 3(Kaki [Maori]: blackish stilt of New Zealand that is usually considered a color phase of the white headed stilt but is sometimes assigned to a separate species (Himantopus novaezelandiae))
found: Howard birds world:p. 121 (Himantopus novaezelandiae; New Zealand Stilt)
found: Gruson cklist. world's birds.
found: Chambers, S. birds of New Zealand, c1989.
found: Foord, M. New Zealand descriptive animal dict., 1990:p. 46 (Black Stilt; Himantopus novaezealandiae; other names: Kaki)
found: Talbot-Kelly, C. Collins handguide to the birds of New Zealand, 1982.
found: Chambers, G.K. Molecular genetic analysis of hybridisation, c1999:p. 15 (New Zealand black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae))
notfound: Bull, P.C. Field guide to town birds of New Zealand, 1983.