found: Work cat.: 96-152825: Intl. Symp. on "Body Cavities" (1994 : Varese, Italy). Body cavities, 1995.
found: Chambers biology dict., 1989(body cavity: perivisceral space in which viscera lie)
found: Henderson's dict. of biol. terms, c1995(body cavity: internal cavity in many animals in which various organs are suspended)
found: Facts on file dict. of biology, c1988(body cavity: in most metazoans, cavity bounded by the body wall ...; body cavity of arthropods is haemocoel, body cavity of many triploblastic animals is the coelom)
found: Thain, M. Penguin dict. of biology, 1994(body cavity: primary body cavity, see blastocoel; secondary body cavity, see coelom)
found: Web. 3(body cavity: a cavity within an animal body)
found: Dorland's med. dict.)(cavity: a hollow place or space, or a potential space, within the body)
notfound: Random House