Dampier Strait (Papua New Guinea)
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found: Work cat.: U.S. Defense Mapping Agency. Long Island to the Tami Islands, 1996:map recto (Damoier Strait, Papua New Guinea)
found: BGN, Papua New Guinea(Dampier Strait, strt; Dampier Strasse, see Dampier Strait)
found: Lippincott(Dampier Strait, between New Britain and Umboi)
found: Times atlas(Dampier Strait, Bismarck Archipelago)
found: Web. geog.:Dampier Straits 1. (Passage off W. end of New Britain I, Bismarck Archipelago) 2. (Channel between Waigeo I and W end of island of New Guinea (Indonesia))
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]channel; 05°36ʹ00ʺS 148°12ʹ00ʺE
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Change Notes
1996-12-17: new
2011-06-04: revised
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