found: Scientific bases for the preservation of the Hawaiian crow, 1992.
found: Howard birds world:p. 542 (Corvus hawaiiensis, Hawaiian crow)
found: Cklist. No. Am. birds:p. 511 (Corvus hawaiiensis. Hawaiian crow. Orig. desc. as Corvus tropicus)
found: Gruson cklist. world's birds:p. 180 (Corvus tropicus, Hawaiian crow)
found: Sibley, C.G. Distribution and taxonomy of birds of the world, c1990:p. 471 (Corvus hawaiiensis. Hawaiian crow)
found: World cklist. of threatened birds, 1993:p. 231 (Corvus hawaiiensis (= C. tropicus), Hawaiian crow)
found: Birds to watch 2, c1994:p. 209.
found: Pratt, H.D. A field guide to the birds of Hawaii and the tropical Pacific, c1987:p. 231 (Hawaiian crow, Corvus hawaiiensis. Other name: ʻAlalā)
found: Forest bird communities of the Hawaiian islands, 1986:p. 82 (Hawaiian crow, Corvus hawaiiensis. Alala)