found: Work cat.: NUCMC data from Univ. of West Florida, Special Collections Dept. for Escambia County, Fla., collection, 1822(Escambia Bay)
found: GNIS, May 28, 1999(Escambia Bay; Santa Rosa and Escambia counties, Fla.)
found: NUCMC data from Univ. of West Florida, Special Collections Dept. Rivers, P. de Reports, 1823-1744(Escambia Bay (St. Maria de Glave))
found: LC database, Oct. 25, 2000(Bahía de Sa. María de Galve; Bahía de Santa María de Galve)
found: GeoNames [algorithmically matched]bay; 30°32ʹ29ʺN 087°09ʹ08ʺW