found: Work cat.: 00035323: Successful keyword searching, 2000:CIP, p. 13 (familiar, informal keywords offer an alternative to controlled vocabularies, allowing database searchers to seek information based on natural language)
found: ALA glossary, 1983(keyword, a significant word in the abstract, title, or text of a work which is used as a descriptor; natural language retrieval system, a computer-based system that stores and searches the complete text of documents, synonymous with free text retrieval and full text retrieval; natural language indexing system, one in which not index vocabulary controls are imposed, synonymous with free indexing system)
found: Library literature through FirstSearch March 16, 2000(title usage: keyword, keywords, keyword and natural language; headings: Keyword indexing, Natural language processing)
found: University of Missouri Kansas City OPAC introd. retrieved through Alta Vista March 16, 2000('The catalog search is a keyword search engine and not a natural language processing search. For example, if you want to find sections of the catalog that contain information on financial aid. Instead of entering, "show me the sections of the catalog that contain financial aid information", simply enter "financial aid"')