- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh00002508
- http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh00002508#concept
- n-us-ak
- Ounga Island (Alaska)
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
- found: Work cat.: Geological and geophysical setting of the gold-silver vein systems of Unga Island, southwestern Alaska, 1999:CD-ROM title screen (Unga Island, southwestern Alaska)
- found: GNIS, AK, Dec. 13, 1999(Unga Island; island; 55⁰15ʹ38ʺN, 160⁰41ʹ42ʺW)
- found: Lippincott(Unga Island, largest of Shumagin Isls., SW Alaska, off SW Alaska Peninsula)
- found: Rand McNally:on Alaska map (Unga I.)
- found: Web. geog.
- found: GNISisland; 55°15ʹ38ʺN 160°41ʹ42ʺW
Instance Of
Scheme Membership(s)
Collection Membership(s)
Change Notes
- 2000-02-02: new
- 2011-06-07: revised
Alternate Formats