found: Work cat.: Friebel, G. Why Russian workers do not move : attachment of workers through in-kind payments, 2000:non-technical summary (firms pay wages in-kind and in the form of fringe benefits such as housing, catering, and healthcare rather than in cash) p. 3 (in-kind compensation and non-payment of monetery wages) p. 4 (non-monetary compensation, non-monetary benefits)
found: OED(kind, n. 15 in kind. a. In the very kind of article or commodity in question; usually payment in goods or natural produce, as opposed to money)
found: Medscape WWW site, 5 June 2000:financial glossary (payment in kind: payment made in the form of goods and services, rather than cash)
found: Encarta world Eng. dict.(in-kind)
notfound: Reuters glossary;Shim, J.K. Dict. of econ.