found: Work cat.: Börjesdotter, D. Potential oil crops : cultivation of Barbarea verna, Barbarea vulgaris and Lepidium compestre, 1999:abstract (Barbarea vulgaris wintercress))
found: International Organization for Plant Information web site:Provisional global plant checklist (Name: Barbarea vulgaris, Family: Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae)
found: USDA Plants database(Barbarea vulgaris Ait.f., Family: Brassicaceae; common name: garden yellowrocket; variants: winter cress, yellow rocket, garden yellow rocket; plant synonyms, b. arcuata, b. stricta, campe barbarea, campe stricta)
found: Web. 3(yellow rocket, a winter cress (esp. Barbarea vulgaris))
found: Standardized plant names, 1942(Barbarea vulgaris, bitter wintercress)
found: Hortus 3(Barbarea vulgaris; winter cress; rocket, yellow)