found: Work cat.: 00055172: Levitt, P. Transnational villagers, 2001:CIP galley (transnational migration; contemporary complex of migratory activities; process by which immigrants forge and sustain multistranded social relations that link their societies of origin and settlement; require regular, long-term contacts across borders)
found: LC database, Nov. 27, 2000(transnationalism; transnational migration)
found: Transnational communities website, Nov. 27, 2000:(working papers menu.)
found: Latin American Website Project, Nov. 27, 2000:transnational migration page.
found: UNESCO Migration glossary via WWW, Dec. 28, 2006(The concept of trans-nationalism refers to multiple ties and interactions linking people and institutions across the borders of nation-states.)
found: American heritage dictionary, 2004(transnational: reaching beyond or transcending national boundaries; relating to or involving several nations or nationalities)
found: Merriam, Jan. 12, 2007(transnational: extending beyond national boundaries; [noun] transnationalism)
notfound: Dict. of demography, 1986;Pressat, R. Dict. of demog., 1985;Nam, Population, 1984