found: Work cat.: Vachon, C. Pour l'amour du bon lait, 2002:p. 21 ("En effet, à la fin du XIXe siècle, les épidémilogistes affirmaient que la consommation de lait cru était contraire à la bonne santé.")
found: Web. 3:p. 1887 (raw milk: milk that has not been pasteurized)
found: British Columbia Ministry of Health WWW site, Nov. 15, 2002(raw milk "is unprocessed milk that is drunk just as it comes from the cow, goat or sheep")
found: WWW site, Nov. 15, 2002(raw milk)
found: Food Safety Network Canada WWW site, Nov. 15, 2002(raw (unpasteurized) milk)
found: iGourmet WWW site, Nov. 15, 2002("The Raw Milk Debate: Unpasteurized milk, also called raw milk, is simply milk that has not been pasteurized.")
found: NLC database, Nov. 15, 2002(raw milk)