found: Work cat.: Blanchard, Ulysse J. Full-scale dynamic landing-impact investigation of a prototype lunar module landing gear, 1969.
found: McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms, 2003:p. 1171 ("landing gear - (aero[space] eng[ineering]) - those components of an aircraft or spacecraft that support and provide mobility for the craft on land, water, or other surface. (mech[anical] eng[ineering]) - a pair of small wheels at the forward end of a semitrailer to support the vehicle when it is detached from the tractor")
found: Chambers dictionary of science and technology, 1999:p. 654 ("landing gear - (aero[nautics]) - That part of an aircraft which provides for its support and movement on the ground, and also for absorbing the shock on impact ...")
found: Academic Press dictionary of science and technology, 1992:p. 1202 ("landing gear - aviation - the collection of devices including wheels, skis and floats that enable a flight vehicle to land and move about on land, water, or other surfaces. Space technology - on certain rockets, a re-entry apparatus consisting of a parachute and release mechanism")