found: Work cat.: Keng, Edward Y.H. Investigation of radiant heat transfer to particle-seeded gases for application to nuclear rocket engine design, 1967.
found: McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of space, 1968:p. 145 ("The nuclear rocket-engine in general. In this type of engine energy is released when the atoms of nuclear fuel are bombarded and divided ...")
found: OCLC WorldCat, Apr. 23, 2003(titles: An historical perspective of the NERVA nuclear rocket engine technology program, 1991; Impact of nuclear rocket engine design on control strategies, 1994; Third Specialist Conference "Nuclear Power Engineering in Space, Nuclear Rocket Engines", 1993.)
notfound: McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms, 2003;Academic Press dictionary of science and technology, 1992;Chambers dictionary of science and technology, 1999