found: Work cat.: The 1999 Northwest Fisheries Science Center Pacific west coast upper continental slope trawl survey of groundfish resources off Washington, Oregon, and California, 2002.
found: WaU online catalog, Dec. 9, 2003(groundfish; ground fish; groundfishes; bottomfish; bottom fish; bottomfishes; bottom fishes; benthic fish; benthic fishes; bottom dwelling fish species)
found: FAO Fisheries glossary, via WWW, Dec. 9, 2003(Groundfish: A species or group of fish that lives most of its life on or near the sea bottom)
found: Defining fisheries : a user's glossary, via WWW, Dec. 9, 2003(Groundfish - A species or group of fish that lives most of its life on or near the sea bottom.)
found: Eapen, P.K. Elsevier's dict. of fisheries, 1999(ground fish: Refers to a number of fish living on or near the bottom, such as cod, flat fish, haddock, hake, pollack, etc.; bottom fishes: Fishes that generally inhabit or are caught within about 5 m of the bottom of the sea, lake, etc.)
found: American Herit. dict. of the Engl. lang., c2000(groundfish, pl. groundfish or groundfishes. A bottom-dwelling fish, especially a commercially valuable marine species such as flounder or cod)
found: Random House Web. unabr. dict., c1997(bottom fish: any of certain fishes that live at or near the bottom of a body of water, as certain of the cod and related species, the flatfishes, and catfishes. Also called ground fish)