found: Work cat.: 2004011892: Mackey, Chris. The interrogators, 2004.
found: Reader's Guide Abstracts WWW site, May 24, 2004(Afghanistan--History--Anti-terrorist operations, 2001-)
found: High Beam Research WWW site, May 24, 2004:UPI July 31, 2002 (two major battles of Afghan War ... Tora Bora and Anaconda, March 2002)
found: New York Times WWW site, May 24, 2003:April 26, 2003 (war in Afghanistan ... no signs of its end)
found: New York Times WWW site, May 24, 2003:April 24, 2003 (Detainees of Afghan War remain in legal limbo)
found: Washington Post WWW site/Archives, May 24, 2003:Nov. 8, 2002 (Afghan War faltering)
found: Remarks by President Biden on the end of the war in Afghanistan, transcript of address by Biden, Aug. 31, 2021, via White House WWW site, Sept. 10, 2021:("Last night in Kabul, the United States ended 20 years of war in Afghanistan -- the longest war in American history; In April, I made the decision to end this war")