found: Work cat.: Mous, M. Making of a mixed language, 2003:t.p. (Ma'a/Mbugu) p. 1 (Mbugu or Ma'á people speak two languages : kiMbugu or Normal Mbugu which is very similar to the Bantu language Pare (Chasu or Asu) and kiMa'á or Inner Mbugu which has lexical material that is partly Southern Cushitic in origin) p. 2 (not to be confused with Mbugwe) p. 7 (speakers of Inner Mbugu invariably also speak Normal Mbugu) p. 215 (Kibwyo dialect)
found: Ethnologue, 2000(Mbugu; language of Tanzania; variants : Ma'a, Mbougou, Vama'a, wa Maathi, Kibwyo; mixed language: Pare-Cushitic)
found: Linguasphere, 1999:entry 15-ACA-aa (ma'a; mbugu, mbougou; bantuised south-cushitic; va-ma'a community; spoken along ci-Mbughu (Mbugu 2); Usambara mountains of Tanzania) entry 99-AUS-jc (chi-mbughu; variants: mbughu, mbugu 2, mbougou, part of ba-twa community; spoken alongside Ma'a (Mbugu); close to ch-asu)
notfound: Bantu languages, 2003