found: Work cat.: Disputatio philosophica de anima quam in catholica et electorali Universitate Ingolstadiensi, praeside P. Casparo Adlmann , publicae disputationi proposuit Joannes Georgius Franciscus Iaecklin mense Julio, anno M.DC.LXXXII, 1682.
found: Descriptive cataloging of rare books, 1991:p. 17, rule 1G4 (academic disputation)
found: Online guide to ethics and moral philosophy, via the WWW, Sept. 2, 2004:article about Thomas Aquinas (academic disputations (something like a cross between formal debates and twentieth-century graduate seminars))
found: Encarta world Eng. dict.(disputation, def. 2: formal academic debate in defense of a thesis)
found: Am heritage dict.(disputation, def. 2: an academic exercise consisting of a formal debate or an oral defense of a thesis)
found: Webster's 3rd:p. 655 (disputation: a formal rhetorical exercise in which somebody propounds and defends a thesis or in which two parties reason in opposition to each other)
found: website, Nov. 24, 2006(academic disputations; AACR2 21.27 the rule controlling academic disputations)