found: Work cat.: Young, B.E. Geographical variation in avian clutch size, 1993.
found: Hills, S. Incubation capacity as a limiting factor of shorebird clutch size, 1983.
found: Henderson's dict. of biological terms, 2000(clutch: number of eggs laid by a female at one time)
found: McGraw-Hill dict. of scientific and technical terms, c2003(clutch [VERT ZOO] A nest of eggs or a brood of chicks)
found: The Amer. heritage dict. of the Engl. lang., via WWW, Oct. 3, 2005(clutch (2) 1. The complete set of eggs produced or incubated at one time. 2. A brood of chickens. 3. A group; a bunch)
found: Cichlid Research Home Page: Parent Size and Brood Care, via WWW, Aug. 8, 2006(brood size; broods)
found: Birds of Stanford, via WWW, Oct. 3, 2005:Essays/Average Clutch Size (Clutch size is the number of eggs laid in a single nesting; whooping cranes lay clutches of two eggs, but almost always rear but one young) Variation in Clutch Sizes (the number of eggs in a set laid by a female bird tends to vary among taxonomic groups; Clutch sizes differ not only among major taxonomic groups and among species, but also among populations and individuals of the same species)