found: Work cat.: Valentine book sculpture, 1995:slipcase (this "pulp painting" (pigmented pulps manipulated during formation of the paper) incorporates bright colors))
found: Prospectus from Hand Papermaking, Inc. for The art of pulp painting, via WWW, Aug. 2, 2005(specially prepared pulps are applied to a freshly made sheet of handmade paper; resulting in a finished sheet of paper that fully incorporates the image; pulp painting is an emerging specialty within the field of handmade paper art)
found: Hand papermaking, winter 2002:p. 35 (pulp painting; build up or weave a composition by couching thin layers of colored pulp upon a wet, cast sheet of paper)
found: Pulp painting featured article via The paperwright website, Aug. 2, 2005("Pulp painting is an exciting aspect of papermaking where you can apply coloured pulps to a couched sheet of paper. The sheet of paper acts as a canvas and specially prepared pulps become paint. You can apply the pulp paints by squirting, spooning, or tossing them onto the paper. By using stencils, cookie cutters or paint scrapers you can create crisp images or designs.")
found: Google search, Aug. 2, 2005(pulp painting; paper pulp painting)
found: LC database, Aug. 2, 2005(pulp painting; paper pulp painting)