found: Work cat.: 2002397446: Petrucci, G. Sant'Elia e il fiume Rapido, 2000:p. 7-8 (Fiume Rapido: originates in the Mainarde Mountains, near the Parco nazionale d'Abruzzo, passing through Lake Cardito [Frosinone Province, Lazio], and proceeding SW toward its confluence with the Gari River near Cassino)
found: GEOnet, Feb. 14, 2005(Rapido, Fiume; short form, Rapido; variant, Rápido; STRM; 41⁰26ʹN 013⁰50ʹE)
found: Col. gaz. online, Feb. 14, 2006(Rapido River, Italy)
found: Lessico universale italiano, c1977:v. 18, p. 414 (Rápido: river 32 km long in southern Lazio ...)