found: Work cat.: Nash, W.J. A bibliography of trochus (Trochus niloticus L.) (Gastropoda:Trochidae), 1987.
found: NCBI taxonomy browser, Mar. 7, 2006(genus Trochus, family Trochidae)
found: ITIS, Mar. 7, 2006(Trochus Linnaeus, 1758 -- valid. Subfamily Trochinae, family Trochidae)
found: The free dictionary, via WWW, Mar. 7, 2006(Trochus: Any one of numerous species of marine univalve shells belonging to Trochus and many allied genera of the family Trochidæ. Some of the species are called also topshells)
found: OED online, Mar. 7, 2006(Trochus. 3. Zool. a) A genus of gastropod molluscs, having a top-shaped or conical shell; the type of the family Trochidæ or top-shells)