found: Work cat.: Kaminski, E.A. Listening to drag : music, performance, and the construction of oppositional culture, 2003:PDF abstr. (drag performances; drag shows) p. 1 (drag queen show: a show in which biological men dress and perform songs as women; in some drag queen shows, performers sing in their own voices. In most, however, the entertainers lip synch to recordings of popular songs.)
found: OCLC, Apr. 30, 2006(drag show)
found: Wikipedia, Apr. 30, 2006(A drag show is an entertainment consisting of a variety of songs, monologues or skits featuring either single performers or groups of performers in drag meant to entertain an audience. They range from amateur performances at small bars to elaborately staged theatrical presentations. Many drag shows feature performers singing or lip synching to songs while performing a pre-planned pantomime, or dancing. The performers often don elaborate costumes and makeup, and sometimes dress to imitate various famous female singers or personalities.)
found: Google search, Apr. 30, 2006(440,000 hits for "drag shows"; 17,600 for "drag performances"; 9,170 for "drag queen shows")