found: Work cat.: Sudan, Darfur, 2004:t.p. (rape as a weapon of war, sexual violence and its consequences, conclusion; testimonies collected by Amnesty International point to rape and other forms of sexual violence being used as a weapon of war in Darfur, in order to humiliate, punish, control, inflict fear and displace women and their communities; not just a consequence of the conflict or of the result of the conduct of undisciplined troops)
found: Amnesty International WWW site, July 18, 2006(under Women and war: Rape as a weapon of war)
found: BBC News Online, July 18, 2006(article: How did Rape Become a Weapon of War?)
found: New Internationalist Online, July 18, 2006:issue 244, June 1993 (Rape: Weapon of War)
found: Skjelsbæk, I. The political psychology of war rape, 2012.