found: Work cat.: 2006032904: Classes of conjugated polymers : theory, synthesis, and properties, 2006.
found: LC database, Oct. 5, 2006(Conjugated polymers)
found: Polymer science dict.(Conjugated polymer; a polymer containing sequences of alternating double bonds (conjugated double bonds), usually involving carbon or carbon and nitrogen atoms, in the polymer chain. If delocalisation of the double bond electrons is extensive, the polymers have enhanced electrical conductivity (some are semiconducting polymers) and often also high thermal stability. Lists separate entry for conducting polymer.)
found: Lund University Chemical Center Web site, October 10, 2006k(Conjugated polymers are organic macromolecules which consist of at least one backbone chain of alternating double- and single bonds. In principle one can construct any devices that are available from inorganic semiconductors, like diodes and transistors, also from conjugal polymers.)