found: Work cat.: Marsh, P.D.V. Contracting for engineering and construction projects, 1995.
found: LC database, Dec. 21, 2006:title (construction projects, engineering and construction projects, engineering-construction projects)
found: Oxford English Dictionary Online, Dec. 21, 2006:overfulfilment/overfulfillment (1982 Washington Post (Nexis) 1 Dec. A20 Economic readjustment would still allow for the completion of 400 large construction projects ...) underway, para. b (1935 Sci. Amer. Apr., 198/1 Uncle Sam now has underway one of his greatest construction projects.)
found: Guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOKʼ guide), 3rd ed., c2004:p. 17, 133, 134, 135 (construction project)
notfound: Mooz, Hal. Communicating project management : the integrated vocabulary of project management and systems engineering, c2003.