found: Work cat.: Tapestries of hope, threads of love : the arpillera movement of Chile, 1974-1994, c1996.
found: Scraps of life: Chilean arpilleras, Chilean women, and the Pinochet dictatorship, c1987.
found: Art & architecture thesaurus online, Jan. 25, 2007(arpilleras; hand-stitched embroidered needlework pieces from South American Andean countries, used as wall hangings or to make quilts, handbags, pillows, or various other objects)
found: Encyclopedia Britannica online, Jan. 26, 2007:under appliqué (arpilleras; made in several South American countries; landscapes, markets, village life, nature scenes, and other subjects are depicted in collages that combine patchwork, appliqué, and embroidery) under Latin American art (in Chile, after the 1970s military crackdown under Augusto Pinochet, women commemorated the lives of loved ones beaten, jailed, or "disappeared" with fabric remnants stitched on burlap, known as arpilleras (burlaps))
notfound: Grove art online, Jan. 25, 2007