Rock-paper-scissors (Game)
Ching-chong-cha (Game)
Jankenpon (Game)
Paper-rock-scissors (Game)
Paper-scissors-rock (Game)
Rochambeau (Game)
Rock-scissors-paper (Game)
Roshambo (Game)
RPS (Game)
Scissors-paper-rock (Game)
Scissors-rock-paper (Game)
Broader Terms
Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes
found: The Straight Dope Web site, July 10, 2007("Rock, Paper, Scissors," also known as roshambo ... ; RPS; "Why this game came to be associated with the 'Count of Rochambeau' is a mystery, but it certainly calls into question the means by which Washington secured Cornwallis's surrender in Yorktown. In any case, it does explain the name often used for the game, namely 'rochambeau,' or, more commonly, 'roshambo.')
found: Google search, July 10, 2007( Rock-paper-scissors; Rock-scissors-paper; Paper-rock-scissors; Paper-scissors-rock; Scissors-paper-rock; Scissors-rock-paper; Ching-chong-cha; Rochambeau; Roshambo; RPS)
found: Wikipedia, July 10, 2007("Rock, Paper, Scissors is a two-person hand game ... The exact name of the game can vary, with the three components appearing in a different order, or with "stone" in place of "rock". Non-English speakers may know the game by their local words for "rock, paper, scissors", although it is also known as Jankenpon in Japan, Rochambeau in France, and in South Africa as Ching-Chong-Cha, the words used in the 'count'.")
found: Walker, D. The offical rock paper scissors strategy guide, 2004.
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Change Notes
2007-07-27: new
2007-07-28: revised
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