found: Work cat.: Lim, Hyunpae. A genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous vehicles from multiple depots, allowing multiple visits, 2007.
found: Wikipedia, accessed online Aug. 30, 2007(The vehicle routing problem or VRP is a combinatorial optimization problem seeking to service a number of customers with a fleet of vehicles. Often the context is that of delivering goods located at a central depot to customers who have placed orders for such goods. Implicit is the goal of minimizing the cost of distributing the goods)
found: Toth, Paolo & Vigo, Daniele. The vehicle routing problem, 2002.
found: Fiala, F. Vehicle routing problem, 1978.
found: Laporte, Gilbert. The vehicle routing problem : an overview of exact and approximate algorithms, 1991.
notfound: McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms, 2003