found: Work cat.: Brides of the sea : port cities of Asia from the 16th-20th centuries, 1989:p. 11 (port city, city whose main economic base for its non-local market is its port, ie area where goods and passengers are transferred between two modes of transport)
found: Port city : on mobility and exchange, c2007:t.p. ; p. 14 (by definition, port cities are located at meeting point of land and sea; traditionally port cities seen as gateways to the wider world, facilitating movement of people and ideas, not just goods and money. Port cities are also symbolic sites of cultural exchange)
found: The Indian Ocean, 2003:p. 31 (port cities, quintessential merging of town and sea; cities with ports may not be true city-ports, the latter's economic, social, cultural and political life being intertwined with port function; relationship of port city or emporia with surrounding area varies.) p. 92 (port cities have connections with their near interior ("umland"), with their hinterland, and with their foreland, that is, areas of overseas world with which port is linked through shipping, trade and passenger traffic, making port cities by nature cosmopolitan)
found: Cities and economic development, 1991:p. 186 (port cities constitute, after capitals, class of cities with the greatest growth; they represent 27 percent of cities other than capitals)
found: Dutch GTT Thesarus online, June 27, 2008(havensteden ["harbor cities"])
found: Masulipatnam and Cambay : a history of two port-towns, 1500-1800, 1994.
found: Villes portuaires, places d'affaires = business in port cities = negocios en la ciudad puerto, 1998.