found: Work cat.: Goodall, J.R. Stage presence, 2008.
found: Int'l. dict. of theatre language, 1985(stage presence: a performer's bearing, the ability to take stage and hold an audience; presence: stage presence, a performer's onstage manner, a performer with presence attracts the attention of an audience)
found: Harrison, M. The language of theatre, 1998:p. 204 (Presence: what constitutes stage presence is hard to define; it is often an intangible quality like charisma which allows certain actors to hold the audience's attention more than others ... perhaps, in the end, presence is merely the impression communicated by an especially good actor in a role they relish)
found: New Oxford American dict., 2005(stage presence: the ability to command the attention of a theater audience by the impressiveness of one's manner or appearance)
found: BC Education, Dance 11 and 12, Appendix F: Glossary, via WWW, July 19, 2009(Stage presence: a performance skill; a quality defined by a performer's ability to command the audience's attention through projection, focus, attention, expression, confidence, and so on)