found: Work cat.: Network neutrality, 2006.
found: FCC WWW site, Aug. 10, 2010 (net neutrality; network neutrality)
found: Wikipedia WWW site, Aug. 13, 2010(Network neutrality (also called: net neutrality, Internet neutrality) is a principle proposed for user access networks participating in the Internet that advocates no restrictions by Internet Service Providers and governments on content, sites, platforms, on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and no restrictions on the modes of communication allowed)
found: WWW site, Aug. 13, 2010(Network neutrality; Net Neutrality is the shorthand term)
found: 2018001424: Net neutrality, 2019ECIP summary (Is a free and open internet a hallmark of democracy? Net neutrality advocates are fighting for government regulation and protection of this relatively new frontier. They believe that the internet is now a basic human need and argue that defined rules are essential to the protection of customers and to the encouragement of innovation. Detractors worry that too much government oversight discourages innovation and investment)