Counters (Computer science)
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found: Work cat.: Strong, R. Specification of logical clock objects, 1995.
found: McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms, 2003(counter -- [computer science] -- A register or storage location used to represent the number of occurrences of an event)
found: Dictionary of computing, 1996(counter -- A clocked digital electronic device whose output takes up one and one only of a number, n, of distinct states upon the application of each clock pulse. The output thus reflects the total number of clock pulses received by the counter up to its maximum capacity, n)
found: Dictionary of computer science, engineering, and technology, 2001(counter -- (1) a variable or hardware register that contains a value which is always incremented or decremented by a fixed amount, and always in the same direction ... (2) a simple Moore finite state machine that counts input clock pulses. It can be wired or enabled to count up and/or down and in various codes)
found: Wikipedia, Oct. 11, 2010(counter -- In digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimes displays) the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock signal. ... In computability theory, a counter is considered a type of memory)
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Change Notes
2010-10-21: new
2010-11-29: revised
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