found: Work cat.: Abate, M.A. Tomboys : a literary and cultural history, 2008.
found: Sissies and tomboys : gender nonconformity and homosexual childhood, c1999.
found: American heritage dict. of the English language, c2000(tomboy: A girl considered boyish or masculine in behavior or manner)
found: Web. 3(tomboy 1 : obsolete. strumpet, harlot. 2 : a girl of boyish behavior)
found: Random House Web. unabr. dict., c1997(tomboy: an energetic, sometimes boisterous girl whose behavior and pursuits, esp. in games and sports, are considered more typical of boys than of girls)
found: APA dict. of psychology, c2007(tomboyism: the tendency of girls to adopt behavior traditionally associated with boys. See also role confusion)
found: Wikipedia, May 6, 2011(A tomboy is a girl who exhibits some characteristics and or behavior considered typical of the gender role of a boy, including the wearing of typically masculine-oriented types of clothes and engaging in games and activities that are often physical in nature, and which are considered in many cultures to be the domain of boys.)
found: Google search, May 6, 2011(437,000 results for "tomboys"; 28,000 results for "tomboy girls")