found: Work cat: 2010506333: Zawiślak, A. Snoezelen (Sala Doświadczania Świata), 2009:p. 5 (Snoezelen; controlled multisensory therapy for the disabled)
found: Snoezelen MSE Therapy website, viewed Sept. 21, 2011(Snoezelen)
found: Wikipedia, viewed Sept. 21, 2011(Snoezelen; controlled multisensory stimulation; therapy for developmentally disabled persons; developed in the 1970s in the Netherlands)
found: International Snoezelen Association website, viewed Sept. 21, 2011(Snoezelen)
found: PubMed Central, viewed Sept. 21, 2011(Snoezelen)
found: ProQuest Medical Library, viewed Sept. 21, 2011(Snoezelen; multi sensory environmental intervention; multisensory therapy; multisensory behavior therapy)
notfound: MeSH