found: Work cat: Lingue e diritte umani, 2011(Universal declaration of linguistic rights, Barcelona, June 1996)
found: Wikipedia "Linguistic rights" Feb. 23, 2012(Linguistic rights (or language rights or linguistic human rights) are the human and civil rights concerning the individual and collective right to choose the language or languages for communication in a private or public atmosphere)
found: Linguistic Society of America Web site, Feb. 23, 2012(Position statement entitled Language rights; the term linguistic rights is also used within the statement)
found: Universal declaration of linguistic rights WWW site, April 13, 2012:(Inalienable personal rights: the right to be recognized as a member of a language community; the right to the use of one's own language both in private and in public; the right to the use of one's own name; the right to interrelate and associate with other members of one's language community of origin; the right to maintain and develop one's own culture; and all the other rights related to language which are recognized in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 16 December 1966 and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the same date. Collective rights of language groups: the right for their own language and culture to be taught; the right of access to cultural services; the right to an equitable presence of their language and culture in the communications media; the right to receive attention in their own language from government bodies and in socioeconomic relations.)