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Steens Basalt

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  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Major- and trace-element analyses of Steens Basalt, southeastern Oregon, 1998:p. 1 (The 16.6-Ma Steens Basalt is a laterally continuous unit of lava flows exposed throughout much of southeastern Oregon. The basalt is exposed in a major basin-range fault scarp that provides almost 2000 m of local relief above the Alvord Desert, revealing one of the thickest single exposures of Tertiary basalt in the world. ... More than 100 individual flows form the Steens Basalt. Flows vary from 1 to 10 m, and average 5 m, thick.) p. 2 (he Steens Basalt and equivalents were erupted initially during a reversed-polarity stage from vents dispersed over a broad area of southeast Oregon and northwest Nevada. The vents became progressively more localized until the final normal-polarity stage, when eruption was confined to a single large shield volcano.) p. 5 (Steens Basalt is middle Miocene in age) p. 11 (map appears to show the extent of Steens Basalt to be in southeast Oregon, northwest Nevada, and northeast California)
    • found: GEOLEX database, via WWW, Aug. 30, 2012(Steens Basalt (NV, OR). Age: Miocene. Geologic province: Southern Oregon basin. Areal extent: NV, OR)
    • found: Jarboe, N.A. The Steens Basalt of the Oregon Plateau, 2010, via The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System, Aug. 30, 2012:abstr. (The Steens Basalt of the Oregon Plateau covers about 53,000 km2 of southeastern Oregon and northwestern Nevada.)
    • found: Wikipedia, Aug. 30, 2012(The Columbia River Basalt Group is a large igneous province that lies across parts of the Western United States. It is found in the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, and California. The Basalt group includes the Steen and Picture Gorge basalt formations. Steens Basalt: The Steens Basalt flows covered ~50,000 km² of the Oregon Plateau in sections up to 1000 m thick. It contains the earliest identified eruption of the CRBG large igneous province.)
    • found: Quickly erupted volcanic sections of the Steens Basalt, Columbia River Basalt Group, 2008, via WWW, Aug. 30, 2012:p. 1 (The Steens Basalt, now considered part of the Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG), contains the earliest eruptions of this magmatic episode. Lava flows of the Steens Basalt cover about 50,000 km² of the Oregon Plateau in sections up to 1000 m thick.) p. 2 The Steens Basalt of the Oregon Plateau may cover as much as 50,000 km² of southeastern Oregon, northwestern Nevada, and northeasternmost California. Its extent, eruptive timing, and relationship to the Columbia River Basalts (CRB) have undergone continued debate. Geochemical and field studies have expanded the traditional Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) to include the Steens Basalt at its base.)
    • found: Bondre, N.R. Morphological and textural diversity of the Steens Basalt lava flows, Southeastern Oregon, USA, in Bulletin of volcanology, July 2008:p. 1000 (Steens Basalt, which is here defined as the main sequence of Middle Miocene tholeiitic flood basalt lava flows found on the Oregon Plateau; we characterize the Steens Basalt as a moderate-sized flood-basalt field)
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  • Change Notes

    • 2012-08-30: new
    • 2012-11-09: revised
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