found: Work cat.: Archibald, T. Sex machines : photographs and interviews, 2005:pp. 6-7 (inventors of sex machines; the U.S. patent office is filled with early designs for mechanical sexual devices; people have been creating forms of sex machines since the invention of Cleopatra's bumble-powered vibrator)
found: Wikipedia, Nov. 3, 2012:Sex-machine (A sex machine is a mechanical device used to simulate human sexual intercourse. It is a more sophisticated version of the vibrator.
found: Sex Machines Museum website, Nov. 3, 2012:What is Sex Machines Museum? (mechanical erotic appliances, the purpose of which is to bring pleasure and allow extraordinary and unusual positions during intercourse; more than 200 objects and mechanical appliances on view)
found: Wiktionary, Nov. 3, 2012(sex machine (plural sex machines) 1. (idiomatic) Someone with considerable sexual prowess 2. Any machine that is used for sexual pleasure)
found: 95052750: Levins, H. American sex machines : the hidden history of sex at the U.S. Patent Office, c1996.