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Honeydew melon

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Bailan melon
    • Honey dew melon
    • Hualaishi (Melon)
    • Wallace melon
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat.: Lipton, W.J. Ethylene and low-temperature treatments of honeydew melons to facilitate long-distance shipping, 1988.
    • found: Wikipedia, July 22, 2013(Honeydew may refer to: Honeydew (melon), a cultivar group of melon; Honeydew (secretion), a sugar-rich sticky substance secreted by aphids, some scale insects and larvae and pupae of some Lepidoptera; Honeydew (melon): Honeydew is a cultivar group of the muskmelon, Cucumis melo Inodorus group, which includes crenshaw, casaba, Persian, winter, and other mixed melons. "Honeydew" is in fact the American name for the White Antibes cultivar which has been grown for many years in southern France and Algeria. In China, honeydews are known as the Bailan melon; they are a locally famous product near Lanzhou, the capital city of Gansu province in China's northwest. According to Chinese sources, the melons were introduced to China by a Mr. Wallace, who donated melon seeds to the locals while visiting in the 1940s (probably 1944). Henry A. Wallace, Vice President of the United States under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, had founded a major seed company (Pioneer Hi-Bred) and otherwise had a general background and interest in agricultural pursuits. As a result, in China the melon is sometimes called the Wallace (Chinese: Hualaishi))
    • found: 91621231: Fuller, S. Economic trends of the melon industry in Texas and the United States : cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon, 1990.
    • found: Stephens, J.M. Melon, Honeydew--Cucumis melo L. (Inodorus group, 2012, via University of Florida IFAS Extension website, July 22, 2013(The honeydew melon is one of the most popular melons, belonging to the Inodorus group of C. melo that also includes the casaba melon. Of course, the best known member of the winter melon group is cantaloupe. Honeydew is an American name for the French variety 'White Antibes,' which was grown for many years in southern France and Algeria for foreign shipment)
    • found: OCLC, July 22, 2013(titles: Effects of gamma irradiation on postharvest behavior of honeydew melons; Floridew : a honeydew melon for Florida; "Morgan" : a high quality, vine ripening honeydew type melon for Florida; Conjunto tecnológico para la producción de melón "cantaloupe" y "honeydew"; Developing essential oils of honeydew melon, carrot, and spinach for export; Physicochemical properties of Cucumis melo var. inodorus (honeydew melon) seed and seed oil; Phytophthora rot of honeydew melon; Quality evaluation of honeydew melon; Genetic engineering of beta-carotene production in honeydew melons (Cucumis melo L. inodorus))
    • found: Chang, I.B. Vegetable choices and concepts, in Flavor & fortune, spring 1998, viewed online July 22, 2013(watermelon is called Western melon and honeydew melon Wallace melon [in China])
    • found: The cook's thesaurus website, July 30, 2013(under Melons: honeydew melon = honey dew melon. These large, choice melons have either green or orange flesh. As honeydews ripen, they turn from green to creamy white to yellow)
  • LC Classification

    • QK495.C96
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2013-07-22: new
    • 2013-09-27: revised
  • Alternate Formats