The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > LC Subject Headings (LCSH)

Emotion recognition

  • URI(s)

  • Variants

    • Emotion perception
    • Perception of emotion
    • Recognition of emotion
  • Broader Terms

  • Closely Matching Concepts from Other Schemes

  • Sources

    • found: Work cat: Hopkins, I.M. Emotion recognition in children with autism or fragile X syndrome, 2006.
    • found: Emotion (Washington, D.C.), Oct. 2009:p. 691 (Emotion recognition ability has been identified as a central component of emotional competence. ... Emotionally competent individuals are characterized by optimal functioning of the emotion mechanism in two major domains--emotion production and emotion perception. Whereas emotion production competence refers to the appropriateness of the total pattern of bodily and behavioral changes as an adaptive response to a relevant event, allowing the organism to successfully cope with its consequences, emotion perception competence refers to the ability to accurately perceive and interpret the emotional state of others in social intercourse. The latter competence is generally acknowledged as a central factor of emotional intelligence)
    • found: International journal of intercultural relations, May 2006:p. 347 (Emotional intelligence is comprised of four skills: emotion regulation, emotion recognition in self and others, understanding of emotion, and utilization of emotion to facilitate thinking. ... In this framework emotion recognition is conceptually more primary than emotion regulation because regulation is only possible after recognition has occurred. ... Thus recognition must be a precursor to regulation; conversely, if emotion is not recognized, there is nothing to regulate)
    • found: Academy of Management journal, Oct. 2005:p. 847 (Emotion recognition involves the ability to accurately decode others' expressions of emotions communicated through nonverbal channels (i.e., the face, body, and voice). This ability is positively linked to social competence and interaction since nonverbal behavior is a dependable source of information on others' emotional states)
    • found: Journal of management education, Dec. 2005:p. 890 (Emotion recognition involves being attentive to others' emotional experiences ... . In essence, emotion recognition is the decoding of the nonverbal signals displayed during an emotional experience)
  • LC Classification

    • BF576.2.E47
  • Instance Of

  • Scheme Membership(s)

  • Collection Membership(s)

  • Change Notes

    • 2016-08-20: new
    • 2016-11-09: revised
  • Alternate Formats