Volunteer workers in sports
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found: Work cat.: 2016051266: International sports volunteering, 2017.
found: International Volunteer HQ www homepage, viewed December 20, 2016(Sports volunteer projects enable international volunteers to play a vital role in teaching youth within communities abroad the importance of maintaining active and healthy lifestyles, while building skills in teamwork and sportsmanship)
found: Go Abroad www homepage, viewed December 20, 2016:under tab "Sports Volunteering Abroad" (Volunteering abroad in sports basically falls into two categories: coaching in school systems through after-school youth programs or coaching in junior elite programs designed to train rising stars for international amateur competitions or professional leagues...There are also sports volunteering opportunities abroad at major sporting events around the world, such as the Olympics and soccer's World Cup, though these are more difficult to obtain and clearly happen only seasonally. For these events, you will not only support the event itself and help promote the industry, you will also become a supporter of these events' larger goal of cross-cultural interaction which brings the world together)
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Change Notes
2016-12-20: new
2017-03-06: revised
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